Monday, June 27, 2016


Sometimes you question why  you are in the middle of a difficult situation. The kind of circumstance where you can do a little about and that uncertainty is the subject of the game.

You did what you have to do. Performed the best that you can to fulfill your job. At one point, you even went beyond what is asked of your duty. But it still feels like it's never enough!

Maybe, just maybe, it's human nature to feel "unsatisfied". We all wanted to be appreciated for the things we thought we did at our best, but for others - it's nothing.

Remember that time during your school years when you studied very well, delivered in an outstanding manner and performed with great pride? But then, people had always something negative to say about you and what you did. 

There will always be someone in the room who'll tell you that you need more practice, more research, more polishing, just practically more than what you just did.

These times can be very frustrating. Not to mention, very exhausting especially when it occurs countless of times. They're like layers upon layers of frustration that eventually engulf you into nothingness.

From this, people drain their energy into negative. Try to stop and isolate. You can't blame others if they take a halt and rest after a heartbreak. People badly needs that to regain themselves.

Let me remind you, though, other people's opinion does not define you and the things that you can do. They will always have something to say - it's human nature! It's up to you if you'll let this criticisms stand in you way to achieving greater heights. Why not make them think otherwise? 

Whenever you hear someone say you're not good enough, smile and go back to your core. Respect the opinion but don't let it interfere with your progress. After all, the things that we are enjoying right now came from those who think it's possible while the rest of the world screams of impossibility. 

You. Are. A.Work.In.Progress. And the Creator isn't done with you yet. Stay at your course, at your pace. Time will come when you see the fruits of you labor, and the people who once told you you're not capable will be there on the side cheering and telling the world you made it.

Let your radiance shine and never deem for in the eyes of the people who love you, you are in progress. We all walk different paths at different paces, don't try to compare your journey to others - it's toxic. Enjoy your life adventure and be ready for the breakthrough that awaits you.