"YOLO-ing" has always been
the topic when you reach your 20's.
Of course, 20's spells F-R-E-E-D-O-M for
most of us! This is the time when you finish college, find a decent and
well-paying job, establish yourself and begin to get a life of your own.
Hitting your 20th birthday is like graduating from teenhood and entering a new
stage where you are permitted to do all (as long as you abide by the law) the
crazy, adventurous stuffs that you have always dreamt of doing.
But here's a fact: Your journey from
age 20 to age 30 will pass by swiftly. It's like having a time machine of your
own, in a blink, you can go fast-forward, but the downside is-you can never go
back in lost time.
But when spent well, it's not always
a time wasted. It may come and go fast, but you can ride the flow if you
consider doing things in your 20's that your future self will thank you for.
1. Quit your Job if you must.
Shocking as it may seem but you're
too young to keep a job you don't feel like doing. You're just beginning to
explore the world of the employed, no one will ever tell you that you'll regret
quitting your job. Who knows, better things will come after that one big leap.
Find your place in this fast-changing world, but never be too satisfied to
settle into something that is just "okay". After all, you're only in
your 20's, you still have a long way to go.
2. Enhance your inner passion.
Do the thing that you love and you'll
never work a day in your lifetime.
Ask yourself what you really love to do. Is it in line with your profession? Can you turn your passion into business? Or is it something that may help other people?
Ask yourself what you really love to do. Is it in line with your profession? Can you turn your passion into business? Or is it something that may help other people?
In our early age, we tend to put this
passion aside because we focus on the things that can help us graduate school.
We think it's just a past time that we love doing when we get bored or
emotional. But most of the time, this passion is the thing that we love doing
the most, maybe that's why we turn onto it when we feel like not doing a thing.
So now is the time to hone it. Let that special skill you possess bring joy into
your 20's and ahead.
3. Stay fit and healthy.
Health is wealth. An apple a day
keeps the doctor away, etcetera etcetera.
The bottom point of all these reminders is to keep your body healthy at
all times.
Exercise, drink plenty of water,
avoid too much sweet and salty food, eat fruits and veggies more than meat, and
the list can go a long way. Tips and tricks are posted everywhere. Even the
government nowadays is promoting healthy living among its people. Do it not
only to have that body to die for, more importantly, achieve a healthier you
for you to enjoy long years of your life. I'm sure you still would want to
dance and play with your grandchildren even in your 50's.
4. Be a volunteer.
If you haven't done this earlier,
better do it now. You can join the nearest volunteer club within your community
or you can go as far as volunteering to other countries. The world needs a lot
of helpful, strong, young individuals who are willing to devote a part of their
time to the betterment of humanity. Be that person!
In the long run, you do not only help
other people, you are also developing character. It is in spending time with
the less privileged that you see how the world really works. In fact, through
volunteering, you get the chance to know more about other people, their day to
day life and their survival skills. It is a humbling experience that will mold
you into a better person. You'll come out of the experience more compassionate,
more driven and more thankful that despite your shortcomings, you live a more
well-off life than the rest of them.
5. Create memories.
Sometimes, we get too busy growing up
that we forget, especially our parents, are also growing old.
This is a sad reality that many young adults neglect. We are too focused with creating money and making our bank accounts so fat that we forget who it is really for. Take for instance, those who work abroad for their families. As much as we would want to save and bring home more cash, we end up working for 5 or more years without going home. And when you finally get to come home, you see your aging parents almost not able to walk, or worse, can't remember your name or who you are. Heartbreaking, isn't it?
This is a sad reality that many young adults neglect. We are too focused with creating money and making our bank accounts so fat that we forget who it is really for. Take for instance, those who work abroad for their families. As much as we would want to save and bring home more cash, we end up working for 5 or more years without going home. And when you finally get to come home, you see your aging parents almost not able to walk, or worse, can't remember your name or who you are. Heartbreaking, isn't it?
Don't let this happen to you. Give
your family a part of your time. You just don't know how happy your parents
will be if you pay them a visit with or without an occasion.
Also create memories by spending more
time with the people that matters to you most other than your family. It
doesn't always have to be an expensive getaway with friends. Memories are
formed not by the place you go to, but with the people you spend your time
with. Surprise your best friend on her birthday, send a bouquet of flowers to
your cousin who just gave birth, treat your niece to an amusement park when she
gets an A in school, buy your nephews a box of pizza when they behaved well
during a mass and eat with them. It's
the sound of laughter, exchange of ideas and sincere touch that makes a day
more memorable than yesterday. Make that day count and never delay it!
6. Start to fill in those bucket lists.

All of us has that one dream that we
often go back to, don't just make it your dream- find ways to make it happen.
Though it may cost you some cash, save and plan for it. Take the cheapest, most
practical route. It will still be a blast no matter which way you take in
checking that one dream off your bucket list.
7. Build healthy relationships.
Yeah, you're at your 20's and there's
nothing to be afraid of. You can always press restart and do it all over again.
But a broken trust, hurt feelings and disappointed loved one cannot be undone.
Build healthy and lasting
relationships with the people that surrounds you.
You don't have to befriend everyone in your office, but make an effort to be acquainted with the people you spend most of your day with. Leave a good impression, smile and greet people as they come, be accommodating and earn the respect of your colleagues. In this way, you give them the feeling that you're nice and friendly.
You don't have to befriend everyone in your office, but make an effort to be acquainted with the people you spend most of your day with. Leave a good impression, smile and greet people as they come, be accommodating and earn the respect of your colleagues. In this way, you give them the feeling that you're nice and friendly.
Moreover, widen your connections. Be
with people whom you can learn a lot with. Be eager to listen and acquire ideas
whenever possible.
The best relationships do not happen over night, it is in short, and frequent interactions that camaraderie is built and tested. Make each encounter an impressive one.
The best relationships do not happen over night, it is in short, and frequent interactions that camaraderie is built and tested. Make each encounter an impressive one.
8. Save a part of your salary.
We tend to splurge and pamper
ourselves a lot when we first receive our paycheck, thinking that next month,
we'll be receiving another fat amount. We can't resists red tags and all season
sales. I know, a new pair of shoes, an elegant dress or a branded bag can give
a different boost in your confidence. Who wouldn't like to look and feel good
at the same time, right?
However, those stuffs wouldn't last
forever. If you won't discipline yourself, you'll end up buying more next time.
How about delaying the gratification and be contented with what you have. You
can save a lot if you stop going to the mall every time there's a sale.
Ever heard of the 70-20-10 Rule? That
is, live in 70% of your income, save 20% of it and share the remaining 10% to
others. It will be a challenge in the beginning, but definitely your future
self will thank you for doing this earlier in your 20's.
9. Invest.
I'm too young for that, and my salary
will not permit me, says many. But do you know that as little as Php 5000 you
can start investing in the stock market? Surprising, right?

In your 20's, the amount may not show
a lot of progress, but in the long term you'll give yourself the best gift of
having money work for you, instead of you working for it.
10. Start preparing for your
You read it right! Start preparing
for your retirement. Not only financially, but also emotionally, physically and
The investment that you make in your
20's will surely give you peace and quiet when you hit retirement age. Think of
compounding interests working for your benefit. For most investment vehicles,
your money can go double, triple or even multiply 10 times when you stick with
it in the long term.
The things that we discussed from
#1-9 will actually help you prepare for retirement.
Everything we are doing in our early stage of
life will determine how our retirement age will be. Make every year count.
matter how fast or slow your 20's will past, consider the things that your
future self will thank you for!
Well done for writing this! It's so true that 20's will pass by very quickly. So, live it and dont be afraid to try something new and rediscover yourself whilst you have the time, money and health ^_^