Friday, November 20, 2015

Closing Time (Almost)

It's almost closing time!

And just like that, another year is about to close. It's as if the memories of last new year's eve celebration seem so vivid. I can still remember how I wrote down the things that I wanted to accomplish this year. And  like a bullet shot in the air, this year is almost over, gone and in some sort, is already a part of the past.

It's a worldwide celebration! A time for joy, fun, and gatherings. For many, it's the best time to turn over a new leaf. For some, it's just another year- life goes on, just like before. For others, sad as it may seem, but they might not see the changing of the  year, the new calendar year, the midnight celebration- it's closing time.

Though we don't really know who's in or out, and you belong to the lucky few who will see the next year, you have all the reason to celebrate and be thankful. 

But come to think of it, do we always have to see the ending, the curtain fall,  the closing, the setting sun peeping in the window, before we realize things and give thanks? 

Many of us, projects life like it's our right to have so. Living is an innate gift that everyone must enjoy. But in reality, not everyone in the world enjoys the same kind of life that you are having right now.

All over the world, men, women, kids struggle to live- emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally. Millions have to fight in order to prolong their existence. Just imagine the day-to-day struggle of war refugees, the victims of abuse, those who work in dangerous areas, the people in the slums, the beggars, the less fortunate, the unwanted children, the men and women trapped in war zones. They all have the right to live, yes! But they live not in a rightful manner.

Just by merely realizing that you don't belong to this group of people, you should be thankful. You have food on the table, you can eat, play and have fun anytime you want, you have your loved ones with you, you breathe clean air, you can see the beauty of life, you get to choose what to wear, you have a bed to end the night with, you are so far better than millions who did not make it today. You don't have to reach the closing time before being grateful for the days that you have. 

Don't let the sound of the falling curtain, the warning alarm, the ringing buzzer wake you up from your daydream.

Make the conscious effort of enumerating the things you are grateful for every single day and don't wait for the year's end before giving thanks and showing love to those who deserves it.

After all, it differs from one person to another. Who knows, yours is just around the corner, waiting for the right moment to be tagged as 'closing time'.

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