Thursday, February 16, 2023

An Experience of the Playground of the Gods - Mt. Pulag!

Hiking Mt Pulag has been a dream of mine for quite a while now. I used to watch a lot of documentaries about it and have shared my interest in seeing it personally with a handful of people in my life. Only that, in the past, I could not afford the travel expenses it entails.

This year, I had the opportunity to see its beauty with my own eyes. It was an on-the-spot decision as some of my previous holiday plans seemed not feasible. Nonetheless, I am grateful for everything that happened during my vacation at home, especially my solo joiner adventure at Mt Pulag.

So how did I make it possible despite doubts, aching back, doing it solo, and long proximity from my hometown? Here it goes.

 On the first week of January, a co-worker shared his experience of hiking Pulag several times in the past despite having back problems and that he has plans of doing it again on his vacation. Eager that I am, I asked for the details and he forwarded me the tour organizers' contact information. At first, I was hesitant as it is very far from my province. And that lately, I am having this back pain, but surprisingly, after a Thai massage in Bangkok (which I will hopefully share in my next articles), it is not as uncomfortable now as it was before my vacation. Anyhow, I messaged the organizer, and lo and behold! They have a schedule available for January 29-30.

 I set it at that time as I was expecting to go to another province with some friends after that. I immediately paid the down payment, while thinking, I'll sort out the rest later when I am sure that I'm going. By the rest, I mean transportation from Iloilo to Manila and back, medical certificates, hiking gear, and of course, permission from my father. Yes! At this age, I still value my father’s opinion. I do not like going without his blessing.

Came my holiday proper, my friends decided to cancel our group trip, so I pushed for my Mt Pulag escapade. Initially, I was doubtful I will go or that the weather will permit me for it was raining most of the time since I arrived in the Philippines. I'm actually not bothered by the weather or the cancellation of any trips. You know, lately, I have learned that it's okay for some planned things not to happen. There's a purpose behind it. (And the many lessons I realized or reminded myself while on this trip will entail another article.)

 However, while I was gathering all the necessary stuff for my trip, it felt like everything was going smoothly. The gear I need, the required medical certificate, and most especially my back pain which seems to be gone since I came home. As a matter of fact, when I checked the weather forecast on that day, it showed sunny with some cloudiness which is quite unbelievable as it has been raining for days prior to the climb.

 So, January 28th came. On the day of my flight though, the tour organizer informed me that they might just start the pick-up in Baguio because I'm the only one in the group who will come from Manila. They tried to contact other tour operators but no one confirmed. That was a bit discouraging but I still flew to Manila from Iloilo on the 28th of January at around 4:00 PM. In my mind, I can travel to Baguio on my own - that's not really a problem. Been there, done that. So I arrived in Manila past 5:00 PM, ate dinner, and went to Pasay Bus Terminal to catch the 8:30 PM trip to Baguio.

 I regularly travel on my own so this one's not new to me. I slept all the way to Baguio and was dropped by the pick-up point at around 2:00 AM on January 29th. That was too early for a 5:00 call time so I decided to look for a massage service that was open at that time, but nothing was available. So thrifty that I am, I rested and waited at the terminal until I received a message that the van was on location. That was around 4:40 AM. I immediately went there and made myself comfortable for another 2-hour or so drive to Benguet.

Surprisingly, I slept most of the trip. I don't know but these days, I can sleep whenever I'm on the road unlike before when I stay awake no matter how long the trip is. Maybe it comes with age? Or I'm unconsciously exhausted and my body looks for opportunities to rest whenever possible.

 We arrived at the Mt Pulag National Park Protected Area Office before midday. We had a short orientation about the history and etiquette while hiking. It was surreal for me as I was only reading these things on the blog or watching it on YouTube but that time, I was sitting there as one of the hikers. It was short but informative and enticing. The videos they’ve shown made me excited to reach the summit. After the orientation, I had tahò with ube syrup and that one was delicious! 

After the registration and checking of medical certificates, we head to the Ranger Station. It was around 1:00 PM when we arrived, and we were told that our accommodation was not yet ready. Excited that I am, I did not mind. I’m sure the previous hikers needed more time to get ready.

 It was foggy and rainy when we reached Ranger Station where the hike starts. Those who hiked that day were disappointed as the trails were so muddy and there was zero visibility at the summit. If only I could describe their faces in more detail other than a complete description of exhaustion as they reach their accommodation. Imagine walking for hours only to be greeted by a strong wind, foggy surroundings, and cold raindrops. As for me, I'm not that worried. After all, God has taught me several times that He knows what He is doing. I still pray for a sea of clouds but whatever I witness on the summit, the experience is something I will truly bring for the rest of my life. This is one for the books!

 Despite the fog and the cold, I took a bath when we were settled in our homestay accommodation. I 
met my fellow hikers at this time, and I shared a room with two ladies from Pangasinan. They were young and funny and I enjoyed their company so much, I almost forgot I went there by myself.

Come dinner time, the nine of us gathered at the dining area. It was funny though that the 8 of them came with a buddy or as a couple and I was the only solo traveller. Talk about being strong and independent, eh? I'm just so glad that they did not make me feel alone. They included me in their conversations and plans. They were even surprised to know that I was just on holiday, travelled from Iloilo which is a few islands south, and was able to sneak some time going there on my own.

 Our tour guide came as well to inform us that we will start the ascent at around 01:30 AM the next day. We called it a night at around 08:30. And it's worth mentioning that I slept like a baby for 4 hours or so.

 At around 12:30 AM on the 30th of January, my roommate woke me up to get ready. It was still cold, but the sky has cleared out and there were numerous stars visible in the sky. What promising weather for all of us! We gathered in front of our accommodation at around 01:30 AM. I led the group prayer and I specifically asked that God grant our desire to witness the beauty of the sea of clouds, with fingers, crossed that He would hear us.

 We started our journey thereafter. I planned to do this hike at my own pace so I don't get tired easily and so I can enjoy every part of it as well. It was pitch dark, so we had to rely on our headlights for us to see the path. It was quite dangerous honestly as we can't foresee if the road ahead is slippery or soft. So, I used my walking stick as a guide on where to step and stabilize my footing.

 It was such an experience walking in the dark and staring at the numerous stars above us. They are so vivid that we can see them twinkle in between the branches of trees. What an experience I keep telling myself!

 Unfortunately, my headlight was not able to sustain its brightness. My mistake as I did not check it the night before. To keep myself safe, I hiked with two others and relied on their light most of the time. I did not tell them that I was having problems with my light though, and they did not notice. With an easy, careful pace and 2 or 5-minute rest from time to time, we reached Mt Pulag Summit Marker at around 05:30 AM. And after catching my breath and letting it all sink in, I almost cried upon realizing that there I was - on top of Mt Pulag.

Ironically, it was almost the same time last year that I was at my lowest. And this year, He guided me to one of the highest and most picturesque places in the Philippines! Indeed, a lot can happen in one year. Thoughts came to me, happy and sad, memories and people, but I shut them all out and took as many pictures and videos as I could because if there is something I learned to practice in the recent year, it is mindfulness and present awareness. Live in the moment!

The sea of clouds was outstanding, amazing, and exhilarating at that time and I felt like I'm so blessed to be shown such beauty. It’s as if it is proving its worth of being called the ‘Playground of the Gods’. Imagine this, the sea of clouds was already visible even before we reached the summit and before the first ray of light came out. So when we arrived at the summit, looking at the mountains surrounding it, we could see the clouds at a distance, and when the sun casts its light, they moved gracefully on mountains and hills. What a sight to behold!

Although I came on my own, my co-hikers were happy to take my pictures so I had so many that looking at them makes me glad to know every one of them.

We stayed there for roughly 2 hours, had some snacks, rested, and started our descent at around 08:00. I went down with the same people I went up with earlier. The man was an experienced hiker he had climbed the tallest peak in the Philippines and the woman has joined several hikes as well.

We also took photos along the way, especially that of the mossy forest. Among the three kinds of forests - pine, mossy, and dwarf bamboo- that we passed by, the mossy forest is the most enchanted- looking and picturesque. We only appreciated these trails on our way down as it was still dark when we started the hike. It was cool and lavishly green. Every direction seems so impressive and dramatically designed by the best painters. Not to mention that the sea of clouds was still visible even if the sun was high enough at around 10:30 when we reached the end of the trail. How blessed can I get?
Some hikers opted to ride the motorcycle on the last 3 km. of our way back to the accommodation. As for me, I decided to finish it on foot. It was such an enjoyable experience that despite my tired feet, I did not want it to end just like that. I met some locals on my way back and they were polite and friendly. One lady even spoke to me and told me that this is very rare that the sea of clouds is still present even at midday. It seems she was telling me that I am one lucky hiker. Which is indeed true! I told myself at the start that no matter what I witness here - good or bad, it would be impossible to come back here due to distance, my age, and the unlikely event that I will do it alone again. It's quite risky, to be honest. Still a great first and last experience of Mt Pulag. But who knows?

I reached the accommodation at around 11:00 in the morning. Surprisingly, I am not as tired as I was expecting to be. My back was not even aching. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush and the heightened happy hormones. So, after some time, I boiled water to use for my bath. Then we had lunch and got ready to go back to Baguio.

We started our trip to Baguio at around 1:30 PM. We were also handed our climb certificate from the tourism office. Something I’m proud to possess! It is only here that I noticed how zigzagged the road was. Imagine having to endure it for 2 long hours! Thank God I have a strong appetite on the road that I did not vomit and managed to get some sleep.

We reached Baguio City at around 16:00. With four other hikers, we had dinner at one of Baguio's known restaurants and the food and serving were great. It is undeniable that I found friends on this trip that we started adding each and everyone on our FB account. We separated ways post dinner and I spent most of my spare time at SM Baguio.

Unfortunately, my google maps did not work while as was there, so as much as I want to walk back to the bus terminal, I rode a taxi to be sure. I took the bus to Manila at around 09:00 PM and reached Pasay at around 02:00 AM on the 31st of January. Just enough time for me to catch my 4:00 AM flight to Baguio.

Exhilarating, isn't it? Just by minding the period, it was tiring to travel back and forth for 3 days, but seeing the sea of clouds made it all worth it. It was indeed an experience of a lifetime! Something I will truly treasure for the rest of my life. Thank heavens I was able to tick another dream off the bucket list!

Back in cold London but still thinking of Mt Pulag.

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