Wednesday, August 1, 2018

What I learned and still learning

I am very new to what has always been a hot topic for ages – relationships.  You see, I had my first serious commitment at the age of 30. Woohoo! That’s for the books. :D But looking at the brighter side, I am thankful that I did not have to deal with the aches brought about by “love life” at an earlier age, rather, I was able to enjoy a lot of “me” time before engaging in another time-consuming, mind-boggling, attention-seeking engagement.

Several months into a relationship that is rooted in friendship, I can fairly say that I have learned so much about me and how different men are. Although, mine took some time to finally end up being a real commitment, I can say that it came when I am almost ready for it.

Men shows love in a different way. This is one thing I have realized earlier in this relationship. While women like a lot of time spent with them, sweet words, and out-of-the-movie scenarios, men always keep it real; or just my man, maybe. But yes, he or they prioritize different things at different times and you are not always on top of the list. Although they think of you, I presume, I guess they tend to enjoy life in the company of different individuals whom they are accustomed to even before you came into their life.

Men say a few words or sometimes keep issues hanging. It will be resolved in due time as they believe so. My man listens to my rants, my complaints, my “emotional instability”, but only when he is so fed up that he answers back. And most of time, he makes me realize that I am neither a saint nor the victim. Rather, I am the one who should understand and become less dramatic because really, there is no issue at all.

Men express love more through actions. My man shows it by making simple gestures that might seem unnoticeable at first glance. Like fetching me from work, letting me have the first taste of his cooked meal, or simply bringing me fruits which I really love. Simple gestures and nothing romantic but I guess, they make this relationship less complicated. I mean, you don’t have to be so attached to a material thing that reminds you of him day in and day out. You simply have the confidence that you have someone out there who belongs to you and vice versa.

Men despite their age will always have vices that you have to deal with. Generally speaking, there will always be something that they can’t let go of. Some or most of it you might not approve of but maybe, just maybe, you have to learn to live with it or at least help them minimize spending so much time with these stuffs. Ours passed by a rocky road when we began, or is still passing it sometimes, because of the things that he enjoys doing. However, time taught me that these things are far less dangerous than other women, and with that mindset, I calm down. As long as it does not involve cheating, we are good.

What I have learned and the things that I will continuously learn in this thing called love is still a long way to go. Nevertheless, I am glad that I am at this stage- discovering, realizing and making new experiences. I hope and pray that whatever, or wherever, this relationship leads us, it will be something that we can forever cherish as individuals. #BestyWins

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